Everything You Need
Get your workout on in our 24-Hr Fitness Center any time that fits your schedule. When it’s time to chill or study, grab a free Starbucks from our coffee bar and settle in to one of several seating areas in our newly renovated clubhouse with vaulted ceilings and lots of light – whether you’re there to meet with friends or take care of some serious studying, our WiFi Lounge has the perfect setup. And we didn’t forget about your favorite fur baby – there’s a brand new dog park for their friends to gather too.
Renovated Clubhouse
WiFi Lounge
Free Starbucks Coffee
24-Hour Fitness Center
Pet Friendly
TAMU Shuttle Bus Route
Poolside Grills, Patio Seating, Shaded Terrace
Exterior Storage Available
Hot Water Paid
NEW Dog Park
Convenient Curbside Trash Pickup
Quartz Countertops & Subway Tile Backsplash
Stainless Steel Appliances
Full-size Washers and Dryers Included
Modern Plank Flooring
Patios and Balconies with French Doors
Impressive 9-Foot Ceilings